The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has once again delivered a blockbuster hit with Deadpool & Wolverine, reuniting Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman in a thrilling and emotional adventure. While the film’s massive success owes much to its charismatic leads and sharp direction, an unexpected hero behind the scenes deserves recognition: Blake Lively. Her insightful critique led to reshoots that transformed the movie’s ending into a masterstroke of suspense and emotion.
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Reshaping the Finale: Lively’s Transformative Note
The original ending of Deadpool & Wolverine followed a straightforward trajectory. The titular heroes saved the world by destroying the Time Ripper, and their survival was immediately revealed. However, during a viewing of the early cut, Blake Lively felt the ending lacked emotional weight and suspense.
Director Shawn Levy and Ryan Reynolds recounted how Lively’s feedback became a pivotal moment for the film. In her critique, she encouraged the filmmakers to allow the audience to sit with the uncertainty of the heroes’ fate, heightening the emotional payoff when they ultimately survived.
Levy explained in the director’s commentary (via GameRadar):
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“And credit where credit is due. It used to be that there was no suspense, that the power room blew up, and our heroes had survived. And it was Blake Lively who said to us, ‘You know, I’ve been with you this whole movie. I want to sit in the fear that they’re lost. Let me be in that place of suspense so the triumph of their survival is more emotional and visceral.’”
This suggestion led to a day-and-a-half of reshoots, a remarkably short period for a film of this scale. These changes shifted the ending’s tone, presenting a moment where it seemed Deadpool and Wolverine had sacrificed themselves to save the multiverse. The suspenseful scene left audiences on edge, making their eventual survival far more rewarding.
A Perfect Payoff: Fans React to the New Ending
The revised ending struck a chord with fans. Seeing Deadpool and Wolverine, two iconic characters, in a moment of apparent self-sacrifice deepened the emotional resonance of their journey. The added tension also gave Matthew Macfadyen’s villainous Paradox a chance to shine, as his speech about multiversal power became a chilling highlight.
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Levy praised Lively’s instinct:
“That was a Blake note and it really opened up a new way of thinking about this part of the movie… The payoff is so much more satisfying.”
Blake Lively’s Collaborative Touch
Blake Lively’s impact on Deadpool & Wolverine is just one example of how she and Ryan Reynolds support each other’s work. Their creative collaboration is a hallmark of their relationship, with Lively contributing ideas and even physical elements to the set.
During production, Lively sent a ping-pong table to the set at Pinewood Studios to help the cast and crew bond. Reynolds shared in an interview with Vanity Fair:
“She and I have a bunch of these prints of actors playing it on their sets… So Blake sent the ping-pong table, and we’d play together. It really helped us tap into the comedic tone of the movie while keeping it light and fun on set.”
This thoughtful gesture added a layer of camaraderie that translated into the chemistry seen on-screen.
A Milestone for the MCU and Its Characters
Deadpool & Wolverine marks the first time Reynolds and Jackman have reunited in their Marvel roles since X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009). Picking up six years after Deadpool 2, the film explores Wade Wilson’s attempts to live a normal life before being pulled into a new mission. Teaming up with Wolverine, the duo battles Paradox and faces the ultimate test of their resilience.
The movie also saw Lively stepping into the Marvel universe herself, portraying Lady Deadpool, a fan-favorite character who brought additional humor and chaos to the multiversal storyline.
What’s Next for Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman?
Following the massive success of Deadpool & Wolverine, Reynolds has hinted at future collaborations with Jackman and Levy. However, he’s taking a break from the MCU for now. Speaking to Variety, Reynolds revealed:
“I’m spending the year writing. I’m writing a movie for myself, Hugh, and Shawn to do that is not Marvel.”
This announcement has sparked excitement among fans eager to see what the trio will create outside of the superhero genre.
A Winning Formula for Marvel
The MCU continues to thrive by blending heart, humor, and groundbreaking action. With Deadpool & Wolverine, the franchise achieved another milestone by delivering a story that balances its irreverent tone with deeply emotional moments. Blake Lively’s influence on the film’s ending showcases the importance of collaboration and fresh perspectives in filmmaking.
As Deadpool & Wolverine streams on Disney+ and dominates box offices worldwide, fans can only hope that Reynolds, Jackman, and Levy’s next project will be just as impactful. For now, the legacy of Deadpool & Wolverine lives on, thanks in no small part to Blake Lively’s unforgettable note.