James Denton, the beloved actor best known for his role as Mike Delfino on Desperate Housewives, recently shared his unique and, at times, painful experience competing on France’s version of Dancing with the Stars. The 61-year-old actor, who had been previously reluctant to participate in the show, found himself thrust into the world of competitive dancing after a series of unexpected events, including the 2023 Hollywood strikes. His participation in the show was not only an adventure but also a journey that left him with long-term physical challenges.
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During a panel at Christmas Con, Denton took the stage to reflect on his Dancing with the Stars journey, revealing both the highs and lows of his time on the French reality competition. From the intense preparation and grueling performances to the personal pain he continues to endure, Denton’s experience was nothing short of transformative.
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A Reluctant Star on the Dance Floor
Despite his fame from Desperate Housewives, Denton had long resisted the idea of appearing on Dancing with the Stars, even when the show’s French counterpart extended multiple invitations. “They asked me to do Dancing with the Stars in France several times because Desperate Housewives was so popular there,” Denton explained. “But I’d never even considered it. I’m not a dancer.”
For years, Denton had brushed off the idea of participating in the show. His reluctance stemmed from a simple truth: dancing was never something he had envisioned himself doing. But when the entertainment industry came to a halt in 2023 due to the Writers Guild of America and Screen Actors Guild strikes, Denton found himself with more free time than he had ever expected. It was during this unexpected break that he reconsidered the offer to appear on the show.
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A Life-Altering Adventure
Denton admitted that his decision to finally take part in Dancing with the Stars was not an easy one. The prospect of performing live on national television, especially as a complete novice, was a daunting challenge. “It terrified me,” he confessed during the panel. “And I knew then that I had to do it. However, it was terrifying. Terrifying!”
Despite the fear, Denton was drawn to the idea of a new adventure. “They take care of you, and it was a big adventure,” he said, reflecting on the support he received from the production team. What began as an overwhelming challenge soon turned into an experience that Denton would never forget. “It was a huge adventure,” he added. “The people were really nice.”
The Physical Toll: Knees, Pain, and Recovery
Though Denton’s time on the show was undoubtedly exciting, it came with significant physical costs. The actor revealed that his knees, in particular, took the brunt of the strain from the intense preparation and rehearsals. “I’m still paying for it,” he said, referencing the lasting pain in his knees. “I’ve been trying to recover, but both of my knees are completely ruined.”
The preparation for Dancing with the Stars was not a short-term commitment. Denton spent nearly four months training and rehearsing with his dance partner, Candice Pascal. The physical toll was significant, but Denton was determined to push through. “It was a huge adventure,” he reiterated, despite the pain. “But it was really fun.”
Even after the competition ended, Denton found himself grappling with the aftermath of his participation. “I’m still trying to recover,” he said, acknowledging the ongoing struggle to heal from the injuries sustained during the show. His knees may never be the same, but the memories and the experience were worth the sacrifice.
The Cultural Challenge: Dancing in a Foreign Language
One of the unique aspects of Denton’s experience on Dancing with the Stars in France was the language barrier. While he was no stranger to the French language, having worked in France before, Denton was far from fluent. “Je suis désolé, mon français est nul,” he said, admitting that his French was far from perfect. Translated, this phrase means, “I’m sorry, my French sucks.”
Despite his struggles with the language, Denton embraced the cultural challenge. “I learned some, but mainly it was just, ‘Je suis désolé, mon français est nul,’” he joked, acknowledging that his limited French skills were a source of humor during his time on the show. However, he also recognized the importance of adapting to a different culture, especially when performing in front of a French audience.
A New Kind of Stage Fright
While Denton may have been a seasoned actor, performing on live television in front of a large audience was an entirely new experience. Denton admitted that he had never dealt with stage fright in his acting career, but dancing was a different beast altogether. “When I played live for the first time, my heart was pounding so hard,” he confessed. “I felt like a small child. It was exciting, but also terrifying.”
The live performances on the French version of Dancing with the Stars are notably longer than those in the U.S. version. While American contestants typically perform routines that last around one minute, Denton found himself facing routines that were over two minutes long. The extended performance time added to the pressure, making the experience even more nerve-wracking.
Despite the nerves, Denton found a way to push through. “You just accept what happens,” he said, reflecting on his approach to performing. While he was initially overwhelmed by the experience, Denton learned to take things in stride, focusing on the joy of the adventure rather than the fear of failure.
A Short But Sweet Run
Denton’s time on Dancing with the Stars was relatively short-lived. He remained in the competition for six weeks before being eliminated. Despite his initial fears of being voted off early, Denton was proud of his performance and the connections he made along the way. “I didn’t want to be out for the first week or two,” he said. “I wanted to stay for a while.”
When he was eventually eliminated, Denton found himself in an unexpected position. “The host said, ‘I’ve never seen somebody more thrilled to get voted off,’” he recalled with a laugh. “The people that were left were so much better than I was, and I just survived because the fans were really nice and they kept me alive, I think.”
Denton’s humility was evident as he reflected on his time in the competition. “If I stayed any longer, I would’ve felt guilty,” he said. “Because they were much better. I just hung in there because of the fans.”
A Journey of Growth and Gratitude
While Denton’s time on Dancing with the Stars may have been brief, it was a journey that left a lasting impact. He learned new skills, faced personal challenges, and experienced the highs and lows of competitive dancing. Most importantly, Denton gained a newfound appreciation for the art of dance and the dedication required to succeed in the competition.
“I learned a lot,” he said, reflecting on his time in the show. “But mainly, it was just a great adventure.” Denton’s experience on Dancing with the Stars may have been filled with pain and fear, but it was also a story of personal growth, resilience, and the power of stepping outside one’s comfort zone.
As Denton continues his recovery, he can look back on his time on the show with a sense of pride. He may have been a reluctant dancer, but his time on Dancing with the Stars was a journey that transformed him in ways he never expected.