In February 2020, the documentary series Justin Bieber: Seasons premiered on YouTube, offering a raw glimpse into Bieber’s mental health struggles and battles with addiction. This groundbreaking 10-part series not only smashed records with nearly 33 million views in its debut week but also highlighted the transformative power of storytelling in pop culture. Behind this success was Michael D. Ratner, the founder of OBB Media, whose passion for storytelling stems from his early days as a student.
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A Passion for Impactful Storytelling
Ratner’s journey began with a desire to entertain but evolved into a mission to make a difference. Recognized by Forbes in its 30 Under 30 list in 2019, Ratner soon realized that his platform could go beyond entertainment.
“I saw a recurring theme where talents and celebrities opened up about mental health,” Ratner shared. “I started thinking, can we create stories that make people feel less alone? Mental health is a shared struggle, especially for the new generation, and I wanted our content to inspire, connect, and reduce stigma.”
This vision took shape with Seasons. Its unprecedented reach and emotional depth made Ratner realize the ripple effect of vulnerability in storytelling.
“Justin, at the height of his career, opened up in a way that was relatable, even for a global superstar,” he said. “It encouraged others to confront their own struggles and share them.”
Breaking Stigmas Through Creative Narratives
Since Seasons, Ratner has directed projects like Dancing with the Devil, documenting Demi Lovato’s near-fatal overdose, and Kids Are Growing Up, chronicling The Kid Laroi’s journey navigating fame and personal challenges. These works seamlessly weave mental health themes into engaging narratives, making them accessible and impactful.
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Ratner’s approach is rooted in trust and authenticity.
“The artists deserve the credit—they’re the ones willing to show their highs and lows,” he emphasized. “My role is to create a safe space where they feel supported to tell their truths.”
For Ratner, the goal isn’t just education—it’s normalization. His projects embed mental health into larger cultural conversations, shifting it from a taboo topic to a mainstream dialogue.
Navigating the Balance
Ratner candidly acknowledged the fine line between genuine storytelling and sensationalism.
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“There’s a boundary between capturing someone’s truth and exploiting it for views,” he explained. “I rely on intuition and maintain respect for the artist’s vision. Building trust is paramount.”
He’s also mindful of his own well-being, a work in progress amid his demanding career.
“You can’t be everywhere or do everything,” he admitted. “It’s about setting boundaries and finding balance, something I’m still learning.”
Recognition and Advocacy
In October 2024, Ratner was honored as Storyteller of the Year by Project Healthy Minds. Demi Lovato, who collaborated with him on multiple projects, presented the award.
“This recognition is shared with the artists,” Ratner said. “They’re the ones taking the courageous step of sharing their stories.”
Championing Change Through Storytelling
Ratner’s work highlights the transformative potential of storytelling in breaking stigmas and fostering understanding around mental health. His commitment to authenticity and impact positions him as a trailblazer in a cultural shift toward empathy and openness.
Mind Reading is a recurring column featuring interviews with cultural influencers—musicians, actors, athletes, and creators—who are advancing conversations around mental health and dismantling stigma.